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Free style meeting

Chat with me over coffee or virtually to discuss which option may be best for you! This 30 minute chat will help decide what style goals you are wanting to achieve and what our best steps to take next are. 



A personal shopping experience can take place several ways. You decide what you prefer and what your lifestyle allows for. We can set up a time to hit the shops together or I can browse online and have them sent to your home where I can come for a in-person review of the garments or we can do a virtual fit session. This service can be utilized for many different reasons and purposes. 



A closet consultation is the ultimate closet clean out experience. Either in person or virtually, we can discuss goals and set guidelines for what you aspire for your closet to be. We then begin to reorganize the closet by deciding what garments stay or go based on proper garment fit and your personal style. 



Special event styling helps you to prepare for any out of the ordinary daily event that you may have coming up. Job interviews, public speaking, headshot photos, family photos, travel prep and more! Take the stress out of finding your outfit along with planning for hair and makeup!



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